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On holidays from Perth Australia and needed my Konga fix. Kirsty did not disappoint, amazing energy and vibe. It was just the work out I needed after Xmas and New Years! Will definitely come again when we are over next. - Kathy Blake


You are more than just a fitness class.  The people all seem to gel together and make an extended family down to your leadership, humour and slightly 'off key' singing!  It has made a huge difference to my life and most of all you care about your client's - Tina, Tewkesbury 


This fabulous lady works every inch to tone the body and focus the mind in Konga - The Jungle Body. I have never enjoyed a fitness class so much, it's never a chore, I'm always eager to get there when possible. - Jane Adams


If you want to improve your fitness, boost your confidence, have fun, make friends and be instructed by a true professional, then get yourself to Kirsty's fitness classes. Personally I love her KONGA classes, a total work out for your body and mind. Kirsty is always introducing new, fun routines so the classes never become monotonous. I really look forward to her classes. - Sue, Tewkesbury 


I agree totally with all the comments...I have been exercising with Kirsty for more than 6 years...she always has a big smile and makes exercising so much crazy fun...great work outs with lots of variety...I never get bored...I do 3-4 classes most weeks and still love it. - Jeanie Yates

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